Pre-requisite Override Request

This form is to be used to officially request an override to allow you to enroll (register) in courses for which you do not meet the pre-requisites. Do not use this form for any other type of requested override (such as closed or filled class overrides). You may use this form to request overrides for more than one course. Once you submit this form, you will receive an automated email receipt. Once the request has been reviewed, you will receive an email notifying you of acceptance or rejection of your request. This may take up to five business days. If your override request is approved, you may then login to CatsWeb and register for the courses. Please note that falsifying any information on this form is a violation of the Texas State University Honor Code.

This must be a valid Texas State email.
(Letter "A" followed by number.)
Main campus of attendance *
Current classification *
Semester that override requested for
(Enter semester and year.)
(Enter the four digit number of the courses separated by commas.)
(Enter three digit numbers of the sections, include leading zeros.)
(Enter five digit catalog numbers of the courses separated by commas.)
(Explain in 100 words or less why you need the override. Use your very best grammar.)