Matthew Wagner

Matthew Wagner, Ph.D.
Curriculum Vitae (PDF)
B.S., 1980, Texas A&M University
M.S., 1985, Montana State University
Ph.D., 2005, Texas A&M University
Wildlife Law and Policy (BIO 4350M)
Wildlife Law and Policy (BIO 5350M)
Selected Publications
Wagner, M. W., U. P. Kreuter, R. A. Kaiser, and R. N. Wilkins. 2007. Collective action and social capital of wildlife management associations in Texas. Journal of Wildlife Management. 71 (5): 1729-1738.
Wagner, M. W., R. A. Kaiser, U. P. Kreuter, and R. N. Wilkins. 2007. Managing the commons Texas-style: wildlife management and groundwater associations on private lands. Journal of the American Water Resources Association. 43 (3): 698-711.
Lopez, Roel, B. Hays, M. Wagner, S. Locke, R. McCleery, and N. Silvy. 2006. Integrating land conservation planning in the classroom. Wildlife Society Bulletin. 34 (1): 223-228.
Wagner, M., F. Smeins, and B. Hays. 2005. Pastures for Upland Birds: Landowner incentive program restores native plants in bermudagrass pastures (Texas). Ecological Restoration. 23 (3): 209-210.
Wagner, M., and U. Kreuter. 2004. Groundwater supply in Texas: private land considerations in a rule-of- capture state. Society and Natural Resources. 17: 349-357.
Wagner, M .W., K.M. Havstad, D.E. Doornbos, and E.L. Ayers. 1986. Forage intake of rangeland beef cows with varying degrees of crossbred influence. Journal of Animal Science. 63: 1484.
Please see the faculty member’s CV or website for a complete list of publications and additional information.