Benjamin Schwartz

Benjamin Schwartz, Ph.D.
Professor and Director of Edwards Aquifer Research and Data Center
Curriculum Vitae (PDF)
Ph.D., 2007, Virginia Tech University
B.S., 2003, Radford University
Hydrogeology (GEOL 4421)
Groundwater Surface Water Interactions (BIO 7102)
Groundwater Resources (BIO 7468)
Research Interests
Karst hydrogeology, Cave ecosystems, Aquatic invertebrates of caves and springs
Selected Publications
Hutchins, B. T., Engel, A. E., Nowlin, W. N., and Schwartz, B. F., 2015, Chemolithoautotrophy supports macroinvertebrate food webs and influences diversity and stability in karst aquifer communities. Ecology 97:1530-1542.
Tobin, B. W., Schwartz, B. F., Kelly, M., and Despain, J. D., 2015, Fire retardant and post-fire nutrient mobility in a mountain surface water - karst groundwater system: the hidden fire, Sequoia National Park. Environmental Earth Sciences, 73:951-960.
Schreiber M, Schwartz B, Orndorff W, Doctor D, Eagle S, Gerst J., 2015, Instrumenting caves to collect hydrologic and geochemical data: Example from James Cave, Virginia, in Younos T and Parece T (eds). Advances in Watershed Science and Assessment, Handbook of Environmental Chemistry, v. 33, Springer.
Eagle, S., Orndorff, W., Schwartz, B., Doctor, D.H., Gerst, J., and Schreiber, M., 2015, Analysis of hydrologic and geochemical time-series data at James Cave, Virginia: Implications for epikarst influence on recharge in Appalachian karst aquifers, in Feinberg, J., Gao, Y., and Alexander, E.C., Jr., eds., Caves and Karst Across Time: Geological Society of America Special Paper 516 p.
Hutchins, B. T., Schwartz, B. F., Nowlin, W. N., 2014, Morphological and trophic specialization in a subterranean amphipod assemblage. Freshwater Biology, 59, 2447-2461.
Schwartz, B. F., Schwinning, S., Gerard, B., Kukowski, K. R., Stinson, C. L., and Dammeyer, H. C., 2013, Using hydrogeochemical and ecohydrological responses to understand epikarst processes in semi-arid systems, Edwards Plateau, Texas, USA. Acta Carsologica, 42, 315-325.
Hutchins, B. T., Schwartz, B. F., Engel, A. S., 2013, Environmental controls onorganic matter production and transport across surface-subsurface and geochemical boundaries in the Edwards Aquifer, Texas, USA. Acta Carsologica, 42, 245-259.
Tobin, B. W, Hutchins, B. T., and Schwartz, B. F., 2013, Spatial and temporalchanges in invertebrate assemblage structure from the entrance to deep-cave zone of a temperate marble cave. International Journal of Speleology, 43, 203-214.
Kukowski, K. R., Schwinning, S., and Schwartz, B. F., 2013, Hydraulic responses to extreme drought conditions in three co-dominant tree species in shallow soil over bedrock. Oecologia, 171, 819-830.
Please see faculty member’s CV or website for a complete list of publications and additional information.